Makalah Bahasa Inggris - Influence Of Technology On Teens, seperti apa bentuk dan isi makalah tersebut langsung saja simak post berikut ini, jangna lupa untuk file dalam bentuk word dapat di download dibagian akhir post :
Influence Of Technology On Teens
Ony Tri Mulya Putra
Class XII Language Program
No. Absn: 09
March 2012
Approved On … months … years
Supervising Teacher 2 Supervising Teacher 1
Dra. Ninik Rahayuningsih Mohammad Arif Susiawan, M.Pd
NIP.19650303199302002 NIP. 196811301995121003
The Chair Person Mayor Class XII
Of XII Language Program Language Prgram
Afan Subandi Sinwani Maksum
NIP. 196505052005011009 NIP. 195904201988031004
Headmaster RSMABI Negeri 2 Genteng
Mochammad Rifa’i,M.Pd.
NIP. 19620413 199302 1 001
Praise be to Allah SWT writer so I can complete a task to complete the Exam practice by discussing “Influence Of Technologyon Teens” paper cannot be satisfactorily resolved without the help, guidance, and support of several parties. By the ingredients that the author would like to thank:
1. Mr. Mochamad Rifai, M.Pd as a head master SMA N 2 Genteng
2. Mr. Arif as a tutor and subject teachers English
3. Mr. Sinwani Makssum as a Mayor Class Language Program
4. Parents who have supported the author of both prayer and material to the author.
5. Friends - friends in school who always support and give encouragement to the author.
6. All parties who have helped this paper finishing and give support either morally and providing the necessary data.
Authors hope that corrective greet scolds constructive for the perfection of this paper. Finally, no major effort will succeed without starting a small business. Hopefully this paper has value to tilis suboptimal possible for writers, readers, and interested parties.
Tile, March 2012
Title page i
Validating sheet ii
Preface iii
Table of contents iv
1.1. Problem Background 1
1.2. Problem Formulation 2
1.3. Research Objective 2
1.4. Benefits of research 3
2.1. Influence technological advancement for the youth in a positive
impact . 4
2.2. Influence technological advancement for the youth in a negative
impact. 5
2.3. Problem solving 6
Chapter III Closing
3.1. Conclusion 8
3.2. Suggestion 8
1.1. Problem Background
Development of human resources associated with efforts to increase in all educational institutions. It required the efforts of all elements of assessment in education and teaching to match targeted and relevant to all short-term needs and long term. In the global era, it needs qualified human resources in the mastery of science and technology. With a variety of efforts to improve the quality of instruction is needed by those who manage the implementation of education in this regard is the school. Teaching-learning process focused primarily on the learner. Surely with all potential learners and their needs, to be pursued by all kinds of preparations obtained through the learning experience, good knowledge, skill, or discipline.
The younger generation is the successor to the ideals of national struggle and human resources for the implementation of national development. Therefore, in the implementation of national development and the life of the nation, the involvement of the younger generation cannot be ignored. In connection with it, then coaching and youth development is a shared responsibility both families, society and government are all intended to improve the quality of the younger generation.
In line with national development processes to encourage, coaching and youth development needs to be improved, especially in the era of globalization in this period where science and technology advancements that led to modern industrialization. The ongoing process of development can also have negative impacts on the young generation that can lead to social problems. What's more generally, the lives of teens would be easily influenced by things that are relatively new, one of whom is an alien culture which comes from the outside so it tends to drift towards herd behavior, trends occurred because, during adolescence is a period of transition for the development a child so it is a critical period.
The effort to improve the quality of education as expected other than using the usual way such as improving the effectiveness of the curriculum are also components that affect the success of an education. The condition of our school education is a strategic but neglected, and is unable to bear the personal responsibility, human Indonesia requires every component to pay more attention to the state of education. Government, community and parents (families) cannot be silent about the state of education is in dire need of attention.
Therefore, the noble idea of Ki Hajar Dewantara with Tri Education Center consisting of parents, schools and communities and now coupled with the active participation of government, should be implemented in order to prioritize the education sector, whether informal, formal, formal as well as the establishment of schools schools. The role of education must be viewed in the context of overall development, which aims to provide benefits in accordance with the ideals of the nation.
Adolescence is the transition from childhood to adulthood. In this period the child reaches physical maturity and is expected to also be accompanied with the emotional maturity and social development. This period lasted about 12 years of age to 20 years the middle school years. Because of the transitional period the youth in general are still doubts about the role and created a crisis of identity. In an attempt to discover the identity that is known about the personal needs and goals to be achieved in his life, then the interest in youth development becomes an important issue that. In developing the competence teens still need guidance from parents and home and school environment.
2.2. Problem Formulation
Based on the description of the background of the problems mentioned above, then the problem can be formulated in this study are as follows:
" how the influence of technological progress on youth?"
2.3. Research Objectives
As for the purpose of this study are as follows:
A. Know and describe what internal factors that support students attend extracurricular activities at school.
2.4. Benefits of Research
1. Theoretical benefits
Theoretically expected results of this study provide a positive contribution to the development of social science studies and provide additional references or literature for all of us and to provide general benefits to the social sciences and sociology of science education in particular.
2. Practical benefits
Practical benefits in the study are expected to contribute ideas and materials considerations in terms of a policy, especially related to education issues in schools.
2.1. Influence technological advancement for the youth in a positive impact.
The present era of technological development in this very rapidly. Various technological advances can be obtained easily. Along with the times and the rapid development of technology that human communication can be done with various tools or means, one of which is widely used means of communication today is the internet, phone, face book , twitter and others. It is great for teenagers, because they can add insight, on the internet, we can easily find important information known to the reader. This is what gives us the power of imagination and communication technologies that enable the spread of information in the near-perfect quality in a very fast time.
Twitter and face book also does not lose its competitiveness to the internet, twitter and face book because teenagers can hang out with other people, even if they do not know who is invited to meet, because it occurs only virtual world. Twitter and face book has become a trend among teens, not only among adolescents who have a face book and twitter, children and people parents have twitter and face book . Too many enthusiasts or users of face book and twitter, a lot of people who opened the cafe, but not only through the cafe alone, we too can easily open a twitter and face book on mobile phones. And too many users twitter and face book, teens are now rarely open internet, but on the internet we can see a lot of information that are important and meaningful that we have never seen, including information on education that includes lessons on a day- day school, for example about mathematical formulas, physics and chemistry as well as practice questions.
Because so many young users of information technology network (internet). No access to a reasonable thing, they have made use of the abuse of technological sophistication with access galleries nuanced pornography, all of it is not fair for the users especially the youth to take advantage of impressions-impressions by watching a foreign culture that is not normative. Open a porn video sites, pornographic images are not in accordance with the terms of the required field of education. Though something like this could harm a student, because among them there are trying to have sex without marriage and sex can also cause diseases such as HIV or Aids. Because we do not know, a couple who were invited to have sex is a deadly disease or not. This makes the parents and teachers concerned as well as concerned about their moral development.
Adolescence is a period of soul-searching, and could have been in the process of the adolescent search for identity through the right path or wrong path. If the juvenile fails to develop a sense of identity, then teenagers will lose direction. Indeed the current technological advances cannot be separated from public life. Information sharing that occurs in many parts of the world can now instantly we know thanks to advances in technology (globalization).
In essence, technological progress and its influence in life is that we cannot avoid, because now we can see how advances in technology that have affected the lifestyle and think the community, especially among teenagers. Indeed, the influence of technological advances in ancient times and today is different, in ancient times in the era of technology has not advanced today.
2.2. Influence technological advancement for the youth in a negative impact.
Information and communication technology has been around since the modern era. The technology commonly known as computer, internet and others. The computer has long been used in all circles, among students now also have many who use computers for learning. And advanced tools has also been very beneficial for people who are his job to do with these tools. What is it now also has a computer tool that is more practical to carry it where the laptop. Laptop is used not only important people only, students were use of teaching laptop for learning. In addition to the computer that is so incredibly useful, now also has no internet. The Internet is a network of computers used to find an information that we want to know. can in our internet surfing on some things, such as the inspiration to learn the lessons, and many more which we do bias. On the Internet we also global bias, for example, want to know about other countries or information on the State. Internet very beneficial if we use bias. But there is also a salt use, for example, to open these sites are pornographic. That's a big mistake.!.
Usually this is done the youth of today. We recommend that as a teenager / student who claims educated, do not open the sites that smells. That would be very undermine will pollute our brains and our brains. And would be better if we open up these sites are very useful lesson for us. What more for the children class XII (twelve) who will take an exam, they are biased to open the examples for the test exercises. In addition, the bias we also know the internet virtual world, many social networks that we can use that is face book, twitter, pluck, chips and much more. Social networking is already widely used of all people. There are also positive and negative impacts. Many diagnostic impact of social networks, we can find the friends we have long may we not meet with him, find new friends that we do not know and many more benefits. There is also one of the teens who use it is to the event date, we know it has not met fully, and eventually became bad for them. There are also many who commit crimes on social networks.
Actually, the influence of technological advances are very beneficial for adolescents. But there are many negative impacts that we can meet, many are too busy playing internet (social networking) them to lose track of time and forget what he was doing / her duties. The teenager who opened pornography sites are also many who imitate the behavior that is not good and finally make them free association. There are many other negative effects if we misuse it. Some things you should do to the young kitra no one uses the internet, it self-awareness we back on its own. We should realize that the things we did was wrong, if we claim to be a good teenager and aspiring young generation of Indonesia will be good, we cannot reasonably make such a negative thing. That it will harm ourselves.
Furthermore, the teenagers also have to get guidance from the parents. Usually, the parents are too busy in their work, to the extent that they know the deed is done for children, the parents complete facilities such as mobile phones advance, and laptop etc., without considering the negative impact. But it also depends on the child himself, he is biased using a positive-positive or quite the opposite.
2.3. Problem Solving.
The role of schools with technological developments in the globalization era, schools must work harder to maintain and supervise students in the school as a place where children can get along with individuals who have a variety of different characters.
Parents must also play a role in protecting and educating children, for the longest time in the daily life of a child is at home.
Adolescence is a period that are susceptible to negative things. this is because teens have a mindset that is not stable and always wanted to try new things. technological developments should be a requirement of the changing times and cannot be avoided by humans.
Therefore, schools and parents must play a more active role in overseeing and maintaining the students not to fall and sink into the influence of negative developments.
3.1. Conclusion
Adolescence is a period that are susceptible to negative things. this is because teens have a mindset that is not stable and always wanted to try new things. technological developments should be a requirement of the changing times and cannot be avoided by humans.
Therefore, schools and parents must play a more active role in overseeing and maintaining the students not to fall and sink into the influence of negative developments.
1.1. Suggestion
The role of schools with technological developments in the globalization era, schools must work harder to maintain and supervise students in the school as a place where children can get along with individuals who have a variety of different characters.
Parents must also play a role in protecting and educating children, for the longest time in the daily life of a child is at home.
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Makalah Bahasa Inggris - Influence Of Technology On Teens |
Influence Of Technology On Teens
Ony Tri Mulya Putra
Class XII Language Program
No. Absn: 09
March 2012
Influence Of Technology On Teens
Approved On … months … years
Supervising Teacher 2 Supervising Teacher 1
Dra. Ninik Rahayuningsih Mohammad Arif Susiawan, M.Pd
NIP.19650303199302002 NIP. 196811301995121003
The Chair Person Mayor Class XII
Of XII Language Program Language Prgram
Afan Subandi Sinwani Maksum
NIP. 196505052005011009 NIP. 195904201988031004
Headmaster RSMABI Negeri 2 Genteng
Mochammad Rifa’i,M.Pd.
NIP. 19620413 199302 1 001
Praise be to Allah SWT writer so I can complete a task to complete the Exam practice by discussing “Influence Of Technologyon Teens” paper cannot be satisfactorily resolved without the help, guidance, and support of several parties. By the ingredients that the author would like to thank:
1. Mr. Mochamad Rifai, M.Pd as a head master SMA N 2 Genteng
2. Mr. Arif as a tutor and subject teachers English
3. Mr. Sinwani Makssum as a Mayor Class Language Program
4. Parents who have supported the author of both prayer and material to the author.
5. Friends - friends in school who always support and give encouragement to the author.
6. All parties who have helped this paper finishing and give support either morally and providing the necessary data.
Authors hope that corrective greet scolds constructive for the perfection of this paper. Finally, no major effort will succeed without starting a small business. Hopefully this paper has value to tilis suboptimal possible for writers, readers, and interested parties.
Tile, March 2012
Title page i
Validating sheet ii
Preface iii
Table of contents iv
1.1. Problem Background 1
1.2. Problem Formulation 2
1.3. Research Objective 2
1.4. Benefits of research 3
2.1. Influence technological advancement for the youth in a positive
impact . 4
2.2. Influence technological advancement for the youth in a negative
impact. 5
2.3. Problem solving 6
Chapter III Closing
3.1. Conclusion 8
3.2. Suggestion 8
1.1. Problem Background
Development of human resources associated with efforts to increase in all educational institutions. It required the efforts of all elements of assessment in education and teaching to match targeted and relevant to all short-term needs and long term. In the global era, it needs qualified human resources in the mastery of science and technology. With a variety of efforts to improve the quality of instruction is needed by those who manage the implementation of education in this regard is the school. Teaching-learning process focused primarily on the learner. Surely with all potential learners and their needs, to be pursued by all kinds of preparations obtained through the learning experience, good knowledge, skill, or discipline.
The younger generation is the successor to the ideals of national struggle and human resources for the implementation of national development. Therefore, in the implementation of national development and the life of the nation, the involvement of the younger generation cannot be ignored. In connection with it, then coaching and youth development is a shared responsibility both families, society and government are all intended to improve the quality of the younger generation.
In line with national development processes to encourage, coaching and youth development needs to be improved, especially in the era of globalization in this period where science and technology advancements that led to modern industrialization. The ongoing process of development can also have negative impacts on the young generation that can lead to social problems. What's more generally, the lives of teens would be easily influenced by things that are relatively new, one of whom is an alien culture which comes from the outside so it tends to drift towards herd behavior, trends occurred because, during adolescence is a period of transition for the development a child so it is a critical period.
The effort to improve the quality of education as expected other than using the usual way such as improving the effectiveness of the curriculum are also components that affect the success of an education. The condition of our school education is a strategic but neglected, and is unable to bear the personal responsibility, human Indonesia requires every component to pay more attention to the state of education. Government, community and parents (families) cannot be silent about the state of education is in dire need of attention.
Therefore, the noble idea of Ki Hajar Dewantara with Tri Education Center consisting of parents, schools and communities and now coupled with the active participation of government, should be implemented in order to prioritize the education sector, whether informal, formal, formal as well as the establishment of schools schools. The role of education must be viewed in the context of overall development, which aims to provide benefits in accordance with the ideals of the nation.
Adolescence is the transition from childhood to adulthood. In this period the child reaches physical maturity and is expected to also be accompanied with the emotional maturity and social development. This period lasted about 12 years of age to 20 years the middle school years. Because of the transitional period the youth in general are still doubts about the role and created a crisis of identity. In an attempt to discover the identity that is known about the personal needs and goals to be achieved in his life, then the interest in youth development becomes an important issue that. In developing the competence teens still need guidance from parents and home and school environment.
2.2. Problem Formulation
Based on the description of the background of the problems mentioned above, then the problem can be formulated in this study are as follows:
" how the influence of technological progress on youth?"
2.3. Research Objectives
As for the purpose of this study are as follows:
A. Know and describe what internal factors that support students attend extracurricular activities at school.
2.4. Benefits of Research
1. Theoretical benefits
Theoretically expected results of this study provide a positive contribution to the development of social science studies and provide additional references or literature for all of us and to provide general benefits to the social sciences and sociology of science education in particular.
2. Practical benefits
Practical benefits in the study are expected to contribute ideas and materials considerations in terms of a policy, especially related to education issues in schools.
2.1. Influence technological advancement for the youth in a positive impact.
The present era of technological development in this very rapidly. Various technological advances can be obtained easily. Along with the times and the rapid development of technology that human communication can be done with various tools or means, one of which is widely used means of communication today is the internet, phone, face book , twitter and others. It is great for teenagers, because they can add insight, on the internet, we can easily find important information known to the reader. This is what gives us the power of imagination and communication technologies that enable the spread of information in the near-perfect quality in a very fast time.
Twitter and face book also does not lose its competitiveness to the internet, twitter and face book because teenagers can hang out with other people, even if they do not know who is invited to meet, because it occurs only virtual world. Twitter and face book has become a trend among teens, not only among adolescents who have a face book and twitter, children and people parents have twitter and face book . Too many enthusiasts or users of face book and twitter, a lot of people who opened the cafe, but not only through the cafe alone, we too can easily open a twitter and face book on mobile phones. And too many users twitter and face book, teens are now rarely open internet, but on the internet we can see a lot of information that are important and meaningful that we have never seen, including information on education that includes lessons on a day- day school, for example about mathematical formulas, physics and chemistry as well as practice questions.
Because so many young users of information technology network (internet). No access to a reasonable thing, they have made use of the abuse of technological sophistication with access galleries nuanced pornography, all of it is not fair for the users especially the youth to take advantage of impressions-impressions by watching a foreign culture that is not normative. Open a porn video sites, pornographic images are not in accordance with the terms of the required field of education. Though something like this could harm a student, because among them there are trying to have sex without marriage and sex can also cause diseases such as HIV or Aids. Because we do not know, a couple who were invited to have sex is a deadly disease or not. This makes the parents and teachers concerned as well as concerned about their moral development.
Adolescence is a period of soul-searching, and could have been in the process of the adolescent search for identity through the right path or wrong path. If the juvenile fails to develop a sense of identity, then teenagers will lose direction. Indeed the current technological advances cannot be separated from public life. Information sharing that occurs in many parts of the world can now instantly we know thanks to advances in technology (globalization).
In essence, technological progress and its influence in life is that we cannot avoid, because now we can see how advances in technology that have affected the lifestyle and think the community, especially among teenagers. Indeed, the influence of technological advances in ancient times and today is different, in ancient times in the era of technology has not advanced today.
2.2. Influence technological advancement for the youth in a negative impact.
Information and communication technology has been around since the modern era. The technology commonly known as computer, internet and others. The computer has long been used in all circles, among students now also have many who use computers for learning. And advanced tools has also been very beneficial for people who are his job to do with these tools. What is it now also has a computer tool that is more practical to carry it where the laptop. Laptop is used not only important people only, students were use of teaching laptop for learning. In addition to the computer that is so incredibly useful, now also has no internet. The Internet is a network of computers used to find an information that we want to know. can in our internet surfing on some things, such as the inspiration to learn the lessons, and many more which we do bias. On the Internet we also global bias, for example, want to know about other countries or information on the State. Internet very beneficial if we use bias. But there is also a salt use, for example, to open these sites are pornographic. That's a big mistake.!.
Usually this is done the youth of today. We recommend that as a teenager / student who claims educated, do not open the sites that smells. That would be very undermine will pollute our brains and our brains. And would be better if we open up these sites are very useful lesson for us. What more for the children class XII (twelve) who will take an exam, they are biased to open the examples for the test exercises. In addition, the bias we also know the internet virtual world, many social networks that we can use that is face book, twitter, pluck, chips and much more. Social networking is already widely used of all people. There are also positive and negative impacts. Many diagnostic impact of social networks, we can find the friends we have long may we not meet with him, find new friends that we do not know and many more benefits. There is also one of the teens who use it is to the event date, we know it has not met fully, and eventually became bad for them. There are also many who commit crimes on social networks.
Actually, the influence of technological advances are very beneficial for adolescents. But there are many negative impacts that we can meet, many are too busy playing internet (social networking) them to lose track of time and forget what he was doing / her duties. The teenager who opened pornography sites are also many who imitate the behavior that is not good and finally make them free association. There are many other negative effects if we misuse it. Some things you should do to the young kitra no one uses the internet, it self-awareness we back on its own. We should realize that the things we did was wrong, if we claim to be a good teenager and aspiring young generation of Indonesia will be good, we cannot reasonably make such a negative thing. That it will harm ourselves.
Furthermore, the teenagers also have to get guidance from the parents. Usually, the parents are too busy in their work, to the extent that they know the deed is done for children, the parents complete facilities such as mobile phones advance, and laptop etc., without considering the negative impact. But it also depends on the child himself, he is biased using a positive-positive or quite the opposite.
2.3. Problem Solving.
The role of schools with technological developments in the globalization era, schools must work harder to maintain and supervise students in the school as a place where children can get along with individuals who have a variety of different characters.
Parents must also play a role in protecting and educating children, for the longest time in the daily life of a child is at home.
Adolescence is a period that are susceptible to negative things. this is because teens have a mindset that is not stable and always wanted to try new things. technological developments should be a requirement of the changing times and cannot be avoided by humans.
Therefore, schools and parents must play a more active role in overseeing and maintaining the students not to fall and sink into the influence of negative developments.
3.1. Conclusion
Adolescence is a period that are susceptible to negative things. this is because teens have a mindset that is not stable and always wanted to try new things. technological developments should be a requirement of the changing times and cannot be avoided by humans.
Therefore, schools and parents must play a more active role in overseeing and maintaining the students not to fall and sink into the influence of negative developments.
1.1. Suggestion
The role of schools with technological developments in the globalization era, schools must work harder to maintain and supervise students in the school as a place where children can get along with individuals who have a variety of different characters.
Parents must also play a role in protecting and educating children, for the longest time in the daily life of a child is at home.
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Makalah Bahasa Inggris - Influence Of Technology On Teens
Makalah Bahasa Inggris - Influence Of Technology On Teens