Makalah Bahasa Inggris - Low Of Quality EducationIn Indonesian

June 20, 2018
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Makalah Bahasa Inggris - Low Of Quality EducationIn Indonesian



Lulut Andani
Class XII Language Program
No. Absn 08

March  2012



Approved On … months … years

Supervising Teacher  2 Supervising Teacher 1

Dra. Ninik Rahayuningsih Mohammad Arif  Susiawan, M.Pd
NIP.19650303199302002 NIP. 196811301995121003

The Chair Person Mayor Class XII
Of XII Language Program Language Prgram

Afan Subandi  Sinwani Maksum
NIP. 196505052005011009 NIP. 195904201988031004

Headmaster RSMABI Negeri 2 Genteng

Mochammad Rifa’i,M.Pd.
NIP. 19620413 199302 1 001

Praise be to Allah SWT writer so I can complete a task to complete the Exam practice by discussing “Weakness Education In Indonesian” paper cannot be satisfactorily resolved without the help, guidance, and support of several parties. By the ingredients that the author would like to thank:
1. Mr. Mochamad Rifai, M.Pd as a head master SMA N 2 Genteng
2. Mr. Arif as a tutor and subject teachers English
3. Mr. Sinwani Makssum as a Mayor Class Language Program
4. Parents who have supported the author of both prayer and material to the author.
5. Friends - friends in school who always support and give encouragement to the author.
6. All parties who have helped this paper finishing and give support either morally and providing the necessary data.
Authors hope that corrective greet scolds constructive for the perfection of this paper. Finally, no major effort will succeed without starting a small business. Hopefully this paper has value to tilis suboptimal possible for writers, readers, and interested parties.

Tile, March 2012


Title page  i
Validating sheet ii
Preface iii
Table of contents iv

1.1. Problem Background 1
1.2. Problem Formulation 2
1.3. Purpose 2
1.4. Benefit 2
1.5. Metode Research 3
1.6. Hipotesis 3

2.1. Quality Education in Indonesian 4
2.2. Causes of Poor Quality of Education in Indonesia 5
2.3. Solution of Problems of Education in Indonesia 6

Chapter III Closing
3.1. Conclusion 8
3.2. Suggestion 8


1.1. Problem Background
The quality of education in Indonesia is currently very poor. This is evidenced, among others, the UNESCO data (2000) on the Human Development Index ranking (Human Development Index), the composition of the rankings of educational attainment, health, and income per head is shown, that the human development index Indonesia decline. Among 174 countries in the world, Indonesia ranks 102 (1996), 99th (1997), all 105 (1998), and all 109 (1999).
According to the survey Political and Economic Risk Consultant (PERC), the quality of education in Indonesia was ranked the 12th of 12 countries in Asia. Indonesia's position was under Vietnam. Data reported by The World Economic Forum Sweden (2000), Indonesia has a low competitiveness, which only ranks 37th of 57 countries surveyed in the world. And according to a survey from the same institution Indonesia predicated only as a follower rather than as technology leaders from 53 countries worldwide.
Entering the 21st century world of education in Indonesia to be excited. The furor was not caused by the greatness of national education quality but a lot more awareness of the dangers caused by the backwardness of education in Indonesia. Juice is due to some fundamental things.
One is entering the 21st century wave of globalization is felt strongly and openly. Spread  technology and changes to a new awareness that Indonesia no longer stand alone. Indonesia was in the midst of a new world, the world is open so that people are free to compare life in another country.
We feel now is the lag in the quality of education. Both formal and informal education. And the results were obtained when we compare it with other countries. Education has become the crutch in improving Indonesia's human resources for nation building. Therefore, we should be able to improve Indonesian human resources that do not compete with human resources in other countries.
Once we have observed, it seems clear that the problem is serious in improving the quality of education in Indonesia is the low quality of education at all educational levels, both formal and informal education. And that's what causes the low quality of education that impede the provision of the human family who have the expertise and skills to meet the nation's development in various fields.
Indonesia is a low quality of education was also shown Balitbang data (2003) that of 146 052 primary schools in Indonesia turned out to be only eight schools that received worldwide recognition in the category of The Primary Years Program (PYP). Of the 20 918 junior high school in Indonesia was also only eight schools that received worldwide recognition in the category of The Middle Years Program (MYP) and from the 8036 high school was only seven schools who received worldwide recognition in the category of the Diploma Programmed (DP).
The problems mentioned above will be the subject material in a paper entitled "Low Quality of Education in Indonesia".

1.2. Problem Formulation
1. What is the quality of education in Indonesia?
2. What  alone is the cause of the low quality of education in Indonesia?
3. How solutions can be given of the problems of education in Indonesia?

1.3. Purpose
1. Describe the quality of education in Indonesia today.
2. Describe things that cause the low quality of education in Indonesia.
3. Describe the solutions can be given of the problems of education in Indonesia.

1.4. Benefit
1. For complete Practice Exams
2. For the Government: Can be used as a contribution in improving the quality of education in Indonesia.
3. For Teachers : Can be used as reference in order to teach the learners to perform better in the future.
4. For Students: Can be used as study material to learn in order to improve the achievement of self in particular and improve the quality of education in general.
1.5. Metode Research
In the manufacture of this paper, the method used is book study.

1.6. E.Hipotesis
The low quality of education in Indonesia so it still needs revamping of the government, teachers and students.

2.1. Quality Education in Indonesian
As we have seen, the quality of education in Indonesia is getting worse. This is evident from the quality of teachers, a learning tool, and students. Absolutely  teachers have buried hope that they cannot convey to their students. Indeed, teachers today are less competent. Many people who become teachers because it is not acceptable in another department or a lack of funds. Unless the old teachers who have long dedicated itself to become a teacher. In addition to student teaching experience, they have experience in the subjects they teach. Not to mention the issue of teacher salaries. If the phenomenon is allowed to continue, will soon be destroyed education in Indonesia because many experienced teachers who retired.
Also be a means of learning more and more a factor decline of education in Indonesia, especially for people in underdeveloped areas. However, for the people in the underdeveloped regions, the most important is an applied science that is really used for living and working. There are many problems that cause normally they do not learn like most students in general, among others, teachers and schools.
"Education is the responsibility of the government entirely," said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono after a limited cabinet meeting at the Ministry of Education Building, Jl Sudirman, Jakarta, Monday (03/12/2007).
President explained several steps to be taken by the government in order to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, among others:
1. The first step to be taken by the government, namely to improve access to the public to enjoy education in Indonesia. Reject the measuring of enrollment.
 The second step, eliminating inequality in access to education, such as in rural and urban inequality, and gender.
2. The third step, improve the quality of education by improving the qualifications of teachers and lecturers, as well as increasing the average value of passing the national exam.
3. The fourth step, the government will increase the number of types of education in the field of professional competence or vocational school. Ready to prepare personnel needed.
4. The fifth step, the government plans to build infrastructure such as increasing the number of computers and libraries in schools.
5. The sixth step, the government also increased the education budget.
6. Budgeted for this year's Rp 44 trillion.
7. The final step, the financing for the poor to be able to enjoy penddikan.

2.2. Causes of Poor Quality of Education in Indonesia
 Below are described some of the low quality of education in Indonesia in general, namely:
1. Effective education is an education that enable learners to be able to learn the easy, fun and achievable goals as expected. Thus, educators (lecturers, teachers, instructors, and trainers) are required to be able to increase the effectiveness of learning so that learning can be useful.
2. Effectiveness of education in Indonesia is very low. After doing research and education practitioners to the field survey, one reason is the absence of a clear educational purpose before learning activities undertaken. This leads to learners and educators do not know "goal" of what will be generated so as not to have a clear picture in the educational process. Clearly this is an important issue if we want effective teaching. How might the goal will be achieved if we do not know what our goals. During this time, many thought the opinion that formal education is valued only a formality to form the human resources of Indonesia. No matter how formal the learning outcomes, the important thing is to have conducted a high educational level and can be considered great by the community. Such assumption, too, who led the effectiveness of teaching in Indonesia is very low. Every person has the advantage in their fields and are expected to take appropriate education talents and interests rather than just to be considered great by others.
In education in secondary schools, for example, someone who has the advantage of the social field and forced to follow the course of teaching effectiveness of IPA will result in lower than students who follow courses that suit their talents and interests. The things that a case is the case in Indonesia. And unfortunately, the issue of prestige no less important in causing the low effectiveness of education in Indonesia.
3. Teaching Efficiency in Indonesia
Efficient is how to generate the effectiveness of a goal with the more 'cheap'. In the educational process would be much better if we take into account to obtain good results without forgetting the good as well. These things are also likely to be less if we look at education in Indonesia. We did not consider the process, just how to achieve an agreed outcome standards.
Some of the problems of teaching efficiency in Indonesia the high cost of education, time spent in the educational process, quality teacher and many other things that cause the in efficiency of the education process in Indonesia. Are also influential in the improvement of Indonesia's human resources better.
In addition to several causes of low quality of education at the top, the following will be presented also in particular some of the problems that cause poor quality of Indonesian education, namely:
1. Low Quality of Physical Facilities
2. The low quality of teacher
3. Low Teacher Welfare
4. Low Student Achievement
5. Lack of Equality of Education Opportunity
6. Needs Education With Low Relevance
7. The high cost of education

2.3. Solution of Problems of Education in Indonesia
To solve the above problems, in general there are two solutions can be given as follows:
1. systemic solutions, is solutions with changing social systems related to the education system. As we all know the education system is closely linked to the economic system that is applied. The education system in Indonesia right now, is applied in the context of the economic system of capitalism (neoliberals school), a principled including minimizing the state role and responsibility in public affairs, including education funding.
Thus, solutions to problems that exist, particularly concerning the subject of financing, such as low physical facilities, teacher welfare, and the high cost of education, means that demand is also changing the existing economic system. It would be less effective we apply the system of Islamic education in an atmosphere of ruthless capitalist economic system. Then the current capitalist system must be stopped and replaced with an Islamic economic system is outlined that the government was the one who will bear all state education funding.
2. Second, technical solutions, is solutions regarding technical matters directly related to education. These solutions to solve problems such as teacher quality and student achievement. Thus, solutions to technical problems returned to the practical efforts to improve the quality of the education system. The low quality of teachers, for example, in addition to improving the welfare given a solution, also given a solution to fund the teachers continue to pursue higher education, and provide various training to improve teacher quality. The low student achievement, for example, given a solution to improve the quality and quantity of learning materials, improving the tools and means of education, and so forth.

3.1. Conclusion
The quality of education in Indonesia is still very low when compared with the quality of education in other countries. The things that become the main cause is the effectiveness, efficiency, and standardization of education that is still less optimized.
Other problems are the cause, namely:
(1). Poor infrastructure,
(2). The low quality of teachers,
(3). The low well-being of teachers,
(4). The low student achievement,
(5). The low educational equity opportunities,
(6). The low relevance of education to the needs,
(7). The high cost of education.
The solutions can be given from the above problems, among others, by changing the social systems associated with the educational system, and improving teacher quality and student achievement.

3.2. Suggestion
Development of the world in this era of globalization is demanding changes to a system of national education, and better able to compete fairly in all fields. One way to do the people in Indonesia to avoid getting left behind by other countries is to improve the quality of education first.
With the increasing quality of education means that human resources will be born the better the quality and will be able to bring this nation to compete in a healthy manner in all areas of the world.


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